Launch of the Professional Disability Network Hong Kong (PDNHK)
2 August 2021
SENsational Foundation was delighted to announce the official launch of the PDNHK! What started out as an open and collaborative discussion on a roundtable has been fully actualised into a network connecting corporates, NGOs and individuals united by their investment in the cause of disability inclusion.
SENsational Foundation had representatives from a range of companies present at the launch event. The panel discussion engaged both employers with varied experiences in disability inclusion and recruitment and employees with disabilities. Hearing from both sides is crucial in understanding the landscape of disability inclusion, and the reality of the successes, struggles and rationale that underline their work within the cause.
The keynote speakers tied the event together; Jessica giving a passionate talk on the international viewpoint and her personal experience, and Chloe giving insight on the youth perspective of the importance of inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace.