Here are just some of the events and activities that are open to our members.

Annual Events

Annual events image

1. Annual Conference on Disability

Sponsorship opportunities will also be available for companies to support the work of the Professional Disability Network and ensure its sustainability over the long term. It is crucial for such networks to co-exist with the business community to influence and drive change for generations to come.

2. Member Roundtable Discussions

This discussion provides members with the opportunity to share best practices and identify practical solutions to challenges through supportive and insightful conversations.
These meetings are open to members only. Members can access presentations from previous meetings through our Member Area.

3. Disability Corporate Champions Connect

This informal yearly evening event brings together disability champions to celebrate their successes and enable networking. This event is open to all members, sponsors and invitees who champion disability inclusion.

4. Panel Discussions

This quarterly event gives a voice to people with disabilities to share their stories and speak about the realities of living with a disability.
By providing a safe platform, we hope to encourage more people with disabilities to come forward.

5. International Day of People with Disabilities (IDPWD) 3rd December 2021

Celebrate this important observance on disability inclusion with us as we reflect on our network’s progress. We can also help you host an IDPWD at your company. This event is open to members and by invitation only.


Disability Connect

Disability image

1. Mentoring

Become a corporate mentor to a job seeker with a disability. Through your mentorship, you can help an individual build key work skills and gain confidence to embark on their chosen career paths.

2. Internships

Offer internships to candidates with disabilities. Kickstart your inclusion journey by offering people with disabilities the opportunity to gain work experience.

3. Recruitment

Hire people with disabilities for different roles within your organization. Work towards a permanent shift in your talent landscape through the onboarding of people with disabilities.

Learning Solutions

Learning Solutions image

Please contact us for more information on our learning and development programmes at contact@sensationalhk.org


1. Disability Awareness Lunch and Learn (1.5 hours)

2. Disability Confidence Training for Managers and Staff (3 hours)

3. Conversations on Mental Health for Managers and Staff (3 hours)

4. Welcoming Customers with Disabilities (3 hours)

Consultancy Services

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1. Workplace Accommodations

We offer a service to identify the adjustments that are required for the onboarding of employees with disabilities. This could help build upon your existing policy to ensure that current and new employees with disabilities are offered the right environment and assistive tools to support their roles.

2. Recruitment Review

This review of your company's recruitment cycle ensures that you can create a more equitable process for people with disabilities.

3. Accessibility Review

A physical audit of your organization’s physical infrastructure includes a follow-up report outlining the key recommendations to enable equitable and safe accessibility.

Pioneering Projects

Pioneering Projects

1. Hong Kong Disability Power 50 List

This annual event recognizes people with disabilities in Hong Kong who are paving the way for a more inclusive and accepting society. Nominations sent in from the community will be reviewed to identify and celebrate Hong Kong’s most influential list of people with disabilities.

2. Collaboration with universities and NGOs to conduct research

Collaboration on research with universities and partner NGOs
Through commissioned research on areas related to accessibility, education, inclusion and the employment of people with disabilities in Hong Kong, we can advocate collectively for greater change.


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